
Published by Blue Boost Pty Ltd (ABN 69 079 137 518) ([email protected]). The Blue Boost Scheme is managed by Blue Boost Pty Ltd. Blue Boost Payments are offered by over 150 Blue Boost Scheme members. When you use Blue Boost the Blue Boost Scheme is paid fees relating to processing costs and Blue Boost Scheme membership.

This website contains general advice only and none of its contents are personal advice. Please note that Blue Boost is not licensed to provide financial product advice and that the Participant Members are not licensed to provide financial product advice through the Blue Boost website.

Before using Blue Boost and/or Blue Boost View please contact your own financial institution to see if it offers Blue Boost and/or Blue Boost View and to get the terms and conditions or Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), review those terms and conditions and/or PDS and consider whether Blue Boost and/or Blue Boost View is suitable for your personal circumstances.