Blue Boost Privacy Policy

1 Introduction

Blue Boost Group Holding Pty Ltd ABN 44 626 481 525 (Blue Boost Group) and its other group companies (together, the Blue Boost Entities) are trusted providers of services to Australians, including: 

  • Blue Boost Payments which was established in 1997 and allows customers to make bill payments over the internet through their financial institution's online banking service. Blue Boost Payments was enhanced in 2002, with the introduction of Blue Boost View which allows customers to view, pay and store their bills from a single location; and
  • Osko which is a new payment service launched in 2017, and allows users to transfer funds to and from their accounts.  Osko leverages the new infrastructure for Australia's payments called the "New Payments Platform" which is provided by NPP Australia Limited.

Both Blue Boost Payments and Osko (each, a Scheme Product) are provided as part of the payment scheme (the Scheme) operated by Blue Boost Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518 (Blue Boost).

The Blue Boost Entities also provide a range of other products and services (each, an Other Product).  This privacy policy does not, however, apply to any Blue Boost Entity that it has its own separate privacy policy, including the Blue Boost Entities providing the Sypht and Lodge services.

The Blue Boost Entities recognise the trust you are placing in us through your dealings with us. We do everything we can to maintain that trust. We are committed to the protection of your personal information. Our policies comply with our legal obligations (including those set out in the Australian Privacy Principles) and are intended to protect your privacy as we collect, use, disclose, transfer, store or otherwise handle information we gather about you. Our staff and service providers are well trained in these policies.

In this policy:

  • "our service providers" refers to third party service providers who we engage to provide goods or services to us or to participants in the Scheme;
  • "Products" refers to Scheme Products and Other Products;
  • "we", "us" or "our" refers to the Blue Boost Entities;
  • "your service providers" refers to third parties that provide goods or services to you. In the case of Scheme Products, your service providers include Billers and other persons to whom you send money or from whom you receive money using a Scheme Product. 

We may collect personal information directly from you in some circumstances.  In the case of Scheme Products, we will, in most cases, obtain information about you through your financial institution or your service providers in the course of managing and operating the Scheme.

The following sections describe the kinds of information that we receive, collect and hold and the purposes for which we receive, collect, use and disclose that information.

When we collect personal information about you, we may also give you a privacy collection statement which contains more information about how we will handle that information, which may include different ways in which we may use and disclose your personal information. Privacy collection statements apply in addition to, and do not replace, this privacy policy.

While you are under no obligation to provide us with your personal information, we may, unfortunately, not be able to provide you with the products, services or information which you require if you do not provide us with:

  • the personal information we ask you; or 
  • consent to disclose that information to other Blue Boost Entities, our service providers or third parties as described in this Privacy Policy.

2 General

When you make a general enquiry directly to us or our service providers about the Blue Boost Entities our Products or our service providers, or when you participate in any marketing or promotional activities which we run (such as competitions), you may provide us with a range of personal information including:

  • your name
  • your contact number
  • your email address, and
  • details about your financial institution and your service providers.

If your enquiry requires us to liaise with your financial institution or your service providers, we will pass on any personal information you provide in relation to your enquiry to your financial institution or service provider (as the case may be) for the purpose of responding to your enquiry.

3 Operation of the Blue Boost Scheme

If you or your organisation elects to subscribe to a Scheme Product offered under the Scheme, or uses any product or service we may offer in connection with the Scheme, we may receive a range of personal information about you in the course of managing and operating the Scheme.

For example, if you or your organisation participate in Blue Boost Payments, we may receive personal information about you:

  • from your financial institution, if you choose to become a registered user of Blue Boost View; or 
  • either:

- directly from you through the Blue Boost Operations Portal or other means such as email; or

- from your financial institution or your service Providers,

in the course of:

- managing transactions; and

- conducting investigations and adjustments (for example investigating disputes, mistaken payments, fraud, etc).

If you use any product or service we may offer in connection with the Scheme, for example by registering as a user or developer for our APIs, we may receive personal information provided by you in connection with such use.

We will not ordinarily receive personal information about persons who make or receive payments in the course of providing Osko, as Osko transactions are not processed directly by us.  This means that we do not ordinarily have access to any PayID or other identifiable transaction details in relation to Osko transactions.  However, your financial institution may provide us with personal information in some circumstances. For example we may receive personal information if we are required to investigate fraud in connection with Osko.

We will receive and process personal information referred to in this section 3 for the purposes of managing and operating the Scheme. We may also disclose such personal information to third parties like our Scheme Members, our service providers and your service providers (or their contractors) if we need to do so to manage and operate the Scheme. Some recipients of your personal information or their processing agents may be located overseas.

4 Other Services

If you elect to use Other Services offered by a Blue Boost Entity, we may receive a range of personal information about you, either directly from you or from third parties in the course of providing that Other Service.

For example, if you use the "BatchMaker App", we may collect personal information from third parties such as the provider of the accounting software through which we make the App available.

We will receive and process personal information referred to in this section 4 for the purposes of providing you with the Other Services.

5 How Your Personal Information Is Used

In addition to the uses described above in sections 2, 3 and 4:

  • where we provide you with a privacy collection statement which indicates that we may use your personal information to promote our goods and services and those of third parties which we believe may be of interest to you, we may do so in accordance with that privacy collection statement. You can opt out of receiving such notifications at any time by using the unsubscribe method set out in the relevant communication, or by contacting our Privacy Officer (contact details are set out in section 10 below); and 
  • we may also use your personal information in an aggregated and de-identified form for statistical, analytical, research, quality assurance, product improvement and other purposes, provided that no details regarding you (including your identity, financial institution account details or otherwise) can reasonably be derived from the information. 

6 How Your Personal Information Is Stored

We take reasonable steps to protect your personal information from misuse, interference, loss, unauthorised access, and modification. For example, our service providers use firewalls (security measures for the Internet) and other systems such as user identifiers and passwords to control access to our computer systems.

7 Disclosing Your Information To Other Third Parties

In addition to the disclosures described in sections 2 and 3, we may disclose your personal information to:

  • other Blue Boost Entities (who will only use such personal information in the same manner that we may);
  • our service providers, but only for the purpose of providing goods or services to us. We require our service providers to agree to appropriate privacy restrictions, and only permit them to access personal information to the extent needed to provide goods or services to us; and
  • third parties (including government agencies and regulators) in order to comply with applicable laws or regulations, or in order to comply with a court order, subpoena or other legal process, or to comply with a request by a government authority, law enforcement agency or similar body (whether situated in Australia or elsewhere).

8 Transfer Of Your Information To Third Parties

We may transfer your personal information to a third party in connection with the reorganisation, transfer or sale of some or all of our business.

9 Other Information We Collect

When you use our website or applications, we may also collect the information in a way in which we cannot identify you. For example, we may collect information such as:

  • the date and time you access our website and applications;
  • the internet address of the website from which you linked directly to our site or application; and
  • the web browser that you are using and the URL.

We may obtain this information directly or from third parties (such as our internet service providers). We use this information to develop a more user friendly information website and applications and to improve our service offerings to you.

10 Tips On Sending Us Information

While we do all we can to guard your privacy, no data transfer over the Internet is 100% secure. When you share your information with us, it is at your own risk. There are ways you can help maintain the secrecy of your information. For example, you should:

  • always close your browser or application when you have finished your user session;
  • ensure others cannot access your personal information and emails if you use a public computer;
  • not share user name, password or other access credentials which you use to access Blue Boost’s systems with anyone else.

11 How You Can Update, Correct, Or Delete Your Personal Information Or Make A Complaint If Something Goes Wrong

If your personal information was collected by your financial institution or your service providers, they will be best placed to assist you with any enquiries regarding that information. Accordingly, you should contact the relevant financial institution, service provider or appropriate third party in the first instance if you believe that your information is incorrect or if you suspect someone has gained access to that information without your permission. Of course, you can also contact us and we will attempt to assist you where we are able to do so.

If you have provided your personal information directly to us and you would like to update, correct or delete the personal information we hold about you, you can contact our Privacy Officer by emailing info@blueboost or writing to us at PO Box H124, Australia Square NSW 1215.

You can also contact us directly if you believe:

  • we have breached our privacy obligations or your privacy rights in any way, or
  • you would like to discuss any issues about our privacy policy.

We will try to satisfy any questions that you have and correct any errors on our part.

If you are not satisfied with our response, you may make a complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner by phoning 1300 363 992 or by email at [email protected]..

12 Changes To Our Privacy Policy 

This information relates to our current privacy standards. We may vary our privacy standards from time to time. We will notify you of these changes by publishing them on this site.

Last updated: 30 July 2019 

Blue Boost APIs Privacy Collection Statement